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How to use pandas Styler to escape percentage for LaTeX

I would like to export a dataframe containing percentage values like

df = pd.DataFrame([0.2323, 0.5254, 1], columns=['c'])

to LaTeX which can be done by'{:.2%}').to_latex()

This returns

 & c \\
0 & 23.23% \\
1 & 52.54% \\
2 & 100.00% \\

which is obviously no valid TeX code since % is not properly escaped. How do I do that?


would work but I get a deprecation warning:

FutureWarning: In future versions `DataFrame.to_latex` is expected to utilise the base implementation of `Styler.to_latex` for formatting and rendering. The arguments signature may therefore change. It is recommended instead to use `` which also contains additional functionality.


  • I found a wonderful tool that does what I need wonderfully: tabulate

    df = pd.DataFrame([0.2323, 0.5254, 1], columns=['c'])
    print(tabulate(df, intfmt=",", floatfmt='.2%', tablefmt='latex', headers=df.columns))


        &       c \\
      0 &  23.23\% \\
      1 &  52.54\% \\
      2 & 100.00\% \\

    Yet another option could be texttable (or its latex-focused extensions latextable), but I haven't checked them yet.