I use typescript definition of serverless configuration (serverless.ts). How do I conditionally add resources using cloud formation templates ? For example AWS cognito userpools, if I want to exclude these for offline mode, how can I specify it in serverless config file to not include them?
I solved it 2 ways. serverless-plugin-ifelse allowed me to exclude resources based on certain parameters.
Later I realized this may be problematic in the long run. So I created separate serverless config file for my offline use case to include all necessary resources. Prod/Staging environments used default serverless.ts file. Offline uses offline-serverless.ts file. Though there is some repetition of the resources config, this option ensures prod/staging config is not polluted with offline content. I could start offline using sls offline start --stage local --reloadHandler --config offline-serverless.ts
And the offline config reuses some code from main config. Sample offline-serverless.ts content is below:
import offlineplugins from "offlineplugins";
import pluginsconfig from "offlinepluginsconfig";
import plugins from "plugins";
const serverlessConfiguration: AWS = {
service: "my-offline-apis",
frameworkVersion: "3",
plugins: [...plugins, ...offlineplugins],
provider: {
name: "aws",