I am trying to avoid using "for" loops in some matplotlib plots. For this, I have tried the following code:
for k in range(8):
units=np.array(['V', 'V', 'V', 'V', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A'])
fig, axes = plt.subplots(8, 1,figsize=(10, 16))
# axes.plot(t,signals[units=="V",:])
The last commented line throws an error, because axes is a numpy array, which has no attribute "plot". I was trying to assign each axe to the plot of each signal.
How can I make this line with vectorization?
You cannot vectorize the creation of multiple subplots, but you can use a loop:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(signals.shape[0], 1, figsize=(8, signals.shape[0] * 2.5))
for i in range(signals.shape[0]):
axes[i].plot(signals[i, ...])
axes[i].set_ylabel('x(t) (unit: V)')
What you can do is plot everything into the same axes (simply use ax.plot(signals.T)