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Inherit as required only some fields from parent pandera SchemaModel

I have Input and Output pandera SchemaModels and the Output inherits the Input which accurately represents that all attributes of the Input schema are in the scope of the Output schema.

What I want to avoid is inheriting all attributes as required (non-Optional) as they are rightly coming from the Input schema. Instead I want to preserve them as required for the Input schema but define which of them remain required for the Output schema while the other inherited attributes become optional.

This pydantic question is similar and has solution for defining __init_subclass__ method in the parent class. However, this doesn't work out of the box for pandera classes and I'm not sure if it is even implementable or the right approach.

import pandera as pa
from typing import Optional
from pandera.typing import Index, DataFrame, Series, Category

class InputSchema(pa.SchemaModel):

    reporting_date: Series[pa.DateTime] = pa.Field(coerce=True)

    def __init_subclass__(cls, optional_fields=None, **kwargs):
        if optional_fields:
            for field in optional_fields:
                cls.__fields__[field].outer_type_ = Optional
                cls.__fields__[field].required = False    

class OutputSchema(InputSchema, optional_fields=['reporting_date']):

    test: Series[str] = pa.Field()

def func(inputs: DataFrame[InputSchema]) -> DataFrame[OutputSchema]:
    inputs = inputs.drop(columns=['reporting_date'])
    inputs['test'] = 'a'
    return inputs

data = pd.DataFrame({'reporting_date': ['2023-01-11', '2023-01-12']})



---> 18 class OutputSchema(InputSchema, optional_fields=['reporting_date']):
KeyError: 'reporting_date'


Desired outcome to be able to set which fields from the inherited schema remain required while the remaining become optional:

class InputSchema(pa.SchemaModel):

    reporting_date: Series[pa.DateTime] = pa.Field(coerce=True)
    other_field: Series[str] = pa.Field()

class OutputSchema(InputSchema, required=['reporting_date'])

    test: Series[str] = pa.Field()

The resulting OutputSchema has reporting_date and test as required while other_field as optional.


  • Here is a solution by reusing existing type annotation from the input schema:

    import pandera as pa
    import pandas as pd
    from typing import Optional
    from pandera.typing import Index, DataFrame, Series, Category
    from pydantic import Field, BaseModel
    from typing import Annotated, Type
    def copy_field(from_model: Type[BaseModel], fname: str, annotations: dict[str, ...]):
        annotations[fname] = from_model.__annotations__[fname]
    class InputSchema(pa.SchemaModel):
        reporting_date: Series[pa.DateTime] = pa.Field(coerce=True)
        not_inherit: Series[str]
    class OutputSchema(pa.SchemaModel):
        test: Series[str] = pa.Field()
        copy_field(InputSchema, "reporting_date", __annotations__)
        # reporting_date: Series[pa.DateTime] = pa.Field(coerce=True)
        # not_inherit: Optional[Series[str]]
    data = pd.DataFrame({
        'reporting_date': ['2023-01-11', '2023-01-12'],
        'not_inherit': ['a','a']
    def func(
        inputs: DataFrame[InputSchema]
    ) -> DataFrame[OutputSchema]:
        inputs = inputs.drop(columns=['not_inherit'])
        inputs['test'] = 'a'
        return inputs