All if statements work, but the else statements in the first two if/else blocks return the following error? Can someone please tell me why this is?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 36, in <module>
if swim_or_wait.lower() == "wait":
NameError: name 'swim_or_wait' is not defined
left_or_right = input("Choose which way you want to go. Left or right? ")
if left_or_right.lower() == "left":
swim_or_wait = input("Do you want to swim or wait? ")
print("Wrong way. You fell into a hole. Game over.")
if swim_or_wait.lower() == "wait":
which_door = input("Choose which door you want to go through? Red, blue, or yellow? ")
print("You've been attacked by a trout. Game Over.")
if which_door.lower() == "red":
print("Burned by fire. Game Over.")
elif which_door.lower() == "blue":
print("Eaten by beasts. Game Over.")
elif which_door.lower() == "yellow":
print("Congratulations!!! The game is yours. You Win!")
print("Wrong door. Game Over.")`your text
is only ever defined in the first if statement. If that first if statement doesn't trigger, then this variable does not exist. You essentially have a logic error as really you need to have this second if statement nested (ugh, there are better more elegant ways of doing this but this will suffice for a homework project that this sounds like).
Forgive my formatting below on the indentations.
Par Example:
left_or_right = input("Choose which way you want to go. Left or right? ")
if left_or_right.lower() == "left":
swim_or_wait = input("Do you want to swim or wait? ")
if swim_or_wait.lower() == "wait":
which_door = input(
"Choose which door you want to go through? Red, blue, or yellow?"
## You'd be better with a case switch here
if which_door.lower() == "red":
print("Burned by fire. Game Over.")
elif which_door.lower() == "blue":
print("Eaten by beasts. Game Over.")
elif which_door.lower() == "yellow":
print("Congratulations!!! The game is yours. You Win!")
print("Wrong door. Game Over.")
print("You've been attacked by a trout. Game Over.")
print("Wrong way. You fell into a hole. Game over.")