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Failed to notify recipient {email <>} defined in app argocd/<>: notification service 'email' is not supported"

I have an app deployed using ArgoCD, I want to trigger email notifications once the deployment is successful.

I read about email notifications in argocd docs and have performed all the steps mentioned.

I have applied the patch for argocd-notification-cm

kubectl patch cm argocd-notifications-cm -n argocd --type merge -p '{"data": {"": "{ username: test, password: test, host: my-smtp-host, port: my-smtp-port, from: [email protected] }" }}'

Subscribed for notification using,

kubectl patch app app1 -n argocd -p '{"metadata": {"annotations": {"":"[email protected]"}}}' --type merge

In the argocd-notification-cm I have defined as below

data: |
    host: my-smpt-host
    port: my-smpt-port
    username: test
    password: test
    from: [email protected]

and the subscription notification as

annotations: [email protected]

However I am not getting any mails and facing below error in the controller.

Failed to notify recipient {email [email protected]} defined in app argocd/app1: notification service 'email' is not supported" app=argocd/app1


  • I got this working with the changes as below,

    Have updated the configMap as


    and the subscription annotation as


    since 'email' is not part of subscription notification service I was facing the error, after updating it to 'gmail' the issue got resolved and emails are getting triggered.