I want to be able to get the first/last image of a thread in discord using nextcord.
I think I have to go through the channel/thread history but then how do I get the image out of the message? is an URL that I have to request.get
if message.flags.has_thread:
async for m in message.thread.history(limit=100, oldest_first=True):
You can do like this as per your code:
if message.flags.has_thread:
async for m in message.thread.history(limit=100, oldest_first=True):
if m.attachments:
return m.attachments[0].url
first_image_url = await first_image_from_thread(channel_id, thread_id)
if first_image_url:
response = requests.get(first_image_url)
with open('first_image.jpg', 'wb') as f:
print("Downloaded first image from thread...")
print("No image found in thread...")
In this, first_image_from_thread will be your function where you will pass parameter of channel_id & thread_id.
You can also iterate through the attachments and check if it's image with it's file type like attachment.file_type.endswith(".jpeg")
. If it's image you seeing then use "url" property to get image url and use "requests" module to download the image.