I am trying to remove an element from a list inside a document using the index as suggested here
db.example.update({}, [
{$set:{ sequence: {
{$slice:[ "$sequence", P ]},
{$slice:[ "$sequence", {$add:[1,P]}, {$size:"$sequence"}]}
However, I am having problems while trying to convert the query to the spring syntax equivalent:
Update update = new Update();
/*how do I pass the slice in the following statement?*/
ArrayOperators.ConcatArrays array = ArrayOperators.ConcatArrays.arrayOf(****);
SetOperators.SetUnion setUnion = SetOperators.SetUnion.arrayAsSet(** slice with add and size***).union(array);
update.set("sequence", setUnion);
The second parameter to $concatArrays should look something like this.
Unfortunately, itemCount
accepts only int arguments, so this won't work.
If your array has distinct elements, you can try this modified query.
"$set": {
"sequence": {
"$concatArrays": [
"$slice": ["$sequence",P]
"$setDifference": [
"$slice": ["$sequence",{$add:[P,1]}]
Since you need pipelined update, you need to use AggregationUpdate
AggregationUpdate update = Aggregation.newUpdate()
Another easier way is to do this in javascript using $function
$set: {
"sequence": {
$function: {
body: function(sequence) {
return sequence;
args: ["$sequence"],
lang: "js"
AggregationUpdate update = Aggregation.newUpdate()
.function("function(sequence) {\r\n"
+ " sequence.splice(P,1);\r\n"
+ " return sequence;\r\n"
+ "}")