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is adding ChangeNotifierProvider Widget as Parent of MaterialApp a Flutter Best Practice?

Can I using the ChangeNotifierProvider on the top of my app tree? is it a good practice in Flutter?

Also running the MyApp Widget as Stateful widget is a good practice?

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  void initState() {
    PushNotificationService.messageStream.listen((message) {
      //some code

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ChangeNotifierProvider(
      create: (_) => MyProvider(),
      child: MaterialApp(
        //more code


    • Its better to priority to use StatelessWidget in all flutter App. but also when you need to have a initial state, or local state variable, its will be better to use StatefullWidget. So... use as you need.

    • I would said that using ChangeNotifierProvider on top of tree is a common practice.

    see here official example from, they put inside main function.

    void main() {
          create: (context) => CartModel(),
          child: const MyApp(),


    the things that we have to avoid while using provider is with the Consumer at the top of widget tree.

    read here :

    It is best practice to put your Consumer widgets as deep in the tree as possible. You don’t want to rebuild large portions of the UI just because some detail somewhere changed.

    when we called the notifyListeners(); this will rebuild current Consumer widget. when you use it on Top of tree, everytime receive notifylistener your widget Tree will rebuild from the Consumer below.

    You can see the example here :