Search code examples

Group rows of data by column value then store nested data, first and last occurrences, and counts within each group

I am trying to split an array of space-delimited strings, group by a particular column, then store the data within each group in a more convenient structure.

Sample data:

$dataArray = [
    0 => "AAAAA 2023 01 25 01:04:00 ID:20fjrjeZZ",
    1 => "AAAAA 2023 01 25 01:18:08 ID:13454B43A",
    2 => "AAAAA 2023 01 25 02:00:02 ID:18f5hjeWe",
    3 => "AAAAA 2023 01 25 04:10:13 ID:13454B43A",
    4 => "BBBBB 2023 01 25 01:44:10 ID:Xj74320fj",
    5 => "BBBBB 2023 01 25 07:08:58 ID:13454B43A",
    6 => "BBBBB 2023 01 25 08:40:52 ID:Ftzkk800Y",
    7 => "BBBBB 2023 01 25 14:10:13 ID:18f5hjeWe"

I split the rows on the space with:

$lines = explode(' ', $dataArray);

Then I want to push the individual parts (AAAA, 2023, 01, ...) into an array.

foreach($dataArray as $parts){
    $spotArray[] = $parts[$parts][0];
    $yearArray[] = $parts[$parts][1];
    // ...

Then build a new structure with the new array parts:

foreach($dataArray as $key => $value){
    $desiredArray[] = $spotArray[["user"[$yearArray[$hourArray]]], "first"[/** ... */]];

Expected result:

$desiredArray = [
    "AAAAA" => [
        "user" => [
            "ID:20fjrjeZZ" => ["01:04:00"],
            "ID:13454B43A" => ["01:18:08", "04:10:12"],
            "ID:18f5hjeWe" => ["02:00:02"]
        "first" => "01:04:00",
        "last" => "04:10:12",
        "totaUser" => 3,
        "totalAccess" => 4
    "BBBBB" => [
        "user" => [
            "ID:Xj74320fj" => ["01:44:10"],
            "ID:13454B43A" => ["07:08:58"],
            "ID:Ftzkk800Y" => ["08:40:52"],
            "ID:18f5hjeWe" => ["14:10:13"]
        "first" => "01:44:10",
        "last" => "14:10:13",
        "totaUser" => 4,
        "totalAccess" => 4


  • It is not at all necessary to run two loops.

    Parse the space-delimited strings in your array and build/overwrite/sum as you iterate.

    Code: (Demo)

    $result = [];
    foreach ($dataArray as $row) {
        [$group, $y, $m, $d, $t, $id] = explode(' ', $row);
        $result[$group]['user'][$id][] = $t;  // accumulate nested elements
        $result[$group]['first'] ??= $t; // only store the first occurrence
        $result[$group]['last'] = $t; // keep overwriting each time
        $result[$group]['totaluser'] = count($result[$group]['user']); // count what is accumulated
        $result[$group]['totalAccess'] = ($result[$group]['totalAccess'] ?? 0) + 1; // increment

    You can even safely remove the unused $y, $m, and $d declarations if you wish. (Demo)

    Output (from either snippet)

    array (
      'AAAAA' => 
      array (
        'user' => 
        array (
          'ID:20fjrjeZZ' => 
          array (
            0 => '01:04:00',
          'ID:13454B43A' => 
          array (
            0 => '01:18:08',
            1 => '04:10:13',
          'ID:18f5hjeWe' => 
          array (
            0 => '02:00:02',
        'first' => '01:04:00',
        'last' => '04:10:13',
        'totaluser' => 3,
        'totalAccess' => 4,
      'BBBBB' => 
      array (
        'user' => 
        array (
          'ID:Xj74320fj' => 
          array (
            0 => '01:44:10',
          'ID:13454B43A' => 
          array (
            0 => '07:08:58',
          'ID:Ftzkk800Y' => 
          array (
            0 => '08:40:52',
          'ID:18f5hjeWe' => 
          array (
            0 => '14:10:13',
        'first' => '01:44:10',
        'last' => '14:10:13',
        'totaluser' => 4,
        'totalAccess' => 4,