I have 2 dataframes with 2 columns each and with different number of index. I want to subtract the 2nd column of my 2nd dataframe to the 2nd column of my 1st dataframe, And storing the answers to another dataframe.. NOTE: Subtract only the values with the same values in column 1. e.g.
col1 col2
29752 35023.0 40934.0
subtract it to
c1 c2
962 35023.0 40935.13
Here is my first Dataframe:
col1 col2
0 193431.0 40955.41
1 193432.0 40955.63
2 193433.0 40955.89
3 193434.0 40956.31
4 193435.0 40956.43
... ...
29752 35023.0 40934.89
29753 35024.0 40935.00
29754 35025.0 40935.13
29755 35026.0 40934.85
29756 35027.0 40935.18
Here is my 2nd dataframe;
c1 c2
0 194549.0 41561.89
1 194550.0 41563.96
2 194551.0 41563.93
3 194552.0 41562.75
4 194553.0 41561.22
.. ... ...
962 35027.0 41563.80
963 35026.0 41563.18
964 35025.0 41563.87
965 35024.0 41563.97
966 35023.0 41564.02
You can iterate for each row of the first dataframe, if the col1 of the row is equal to col1 of df2[i], then subtract the value of each column
for i, row in df1.iterrows():
if(row["col1"] == df2["col1"][i]):
diff = row["col2"] - df2["col2"][i]
print(i, diff)