I am trying to create Pub/Sub microservice application using Amazon SQS. With a single publisher and multiple subscribers(consumers). Messages are consumed by the subscriber based on the message attributes. Also, a single message can be consumed by multiple subscribers.
Is my approach correct?
If it is show which consumer will be responsible for dequeuing message from the SQS ?
FYI - I am using Typescript / Express for this not using serverless stack.
Messages sent to an Amazon SQS queue wait until a consumer requests a message. When the message is retrieved, it is made 'invisible' on the queue so no other consumer will receive it. When a consumer has finished processing the message, it deletes the message from the queue.
Therefore, if you want multiple consumers to receive the same message, then Amazon SQS is not the correct service to use.
Since you want a publish/subscribe model, you should be using Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS). Messages are published to a 'Topic' and multiple subscribers can receive messages sent to that topic. Subscribers can use Amazon SNS subscription filter policies - Amazon Simple Notification Service to limit which messages they receive.
Note that messages sent to an Amazon SNS topic are immediately sent to subscribers. If you do not wish to receive a message in real-time, it is possible to subscribe an Amazon SQS queue to an Amazon SNS topic. This way, the messages will be queued for later retrieval. The queue would work independently to other subscribers on the topic.