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read csv file from list but add the filename as identifier

I have list of csv files. I could read them all using read_csv.

But I would like to add the filename as identifier. How do I do it ?


# read file names
csv_filenames <- list.files(path = "OMITTED FOR THIS EXAMPLE", 
                            full.names = TRUE)

csv_filenames are "One.csv", "Two.csv", "Three.csv", ....

# read csv files
df <- read_csv(csv_filenames)


  • read_csv has an argument id = ; if you specify "path", you get a column named "path" with the file names:

    csv_data <- read_csv(csv_filenames, id = "path")

    If you wanted just the base file name, you could add a dplyr::mutate step:

    csv_data <- read_csv(csv_filenames, id = "path") %>%
      mutate(path = basename(path))