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Give AWS Lambda an AWS Managed Policy with CDK

I have a Lambda function defined in CDK. I'm using this Lambda to invoke a State Machine and for that I would need to provide it some Policies. The way I tried was the following:

const stepFunctionsPolicy = new PolicyStatement({
      effect: Effect.ALLOW,
      actions: ["states:*"],
      resources: ['*']

MachineLambda.addToRolePolicy(stepFunctionsPolicy) //Added the Policy to the Lambda's Role

This is a workaround, but ideally, I would like to provide AWS Managed Policies, instead of manually defining each policy, to this Lambda function (specifically the AWSStepFunctionsFullAccess)?


  • The question specifically asks how to add the AWSStepFunctionsFullAccess managed policy to the Lambda's role. This allows the Lambda to perform CRUD operations on all step functions:


    Consider granting the Lambda narrow permissions instead, following the IAM least privilege permissions security best practice:
