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PhpStorm - Where can I see if I changed a file?

I am using PhpStorm 2022.2 on Windows 10 with (Settings > Appearance > Theme) IntelliJ Light. I dont use version controlling (git, svn etc.) in my project.

When I change a file I am used (from other editors) to see some change in the file tab, e.g. the color changes, or there is a "*" beside the filename. In PhpStorm I don't see any changes in the file tab or else where, if I changed something in the file. Where can I set this?

I looked through all settings, searched the net, but found only solutions concerning version control.


    1. Settings (Preferences on macOS)
    2. Editor | General | Editor Tabs
    3. Ensure that Mark modified (*) option is enabled

    enter image description here

    The result:

    enter image description here