I am trying for each row to compare the fx value of each corresponding name;
So the outcome should be : diff={"name"=>"XPT", "fx"=>"1.1315313597682419"}
or rounded before having to be compared _ if it is easier to get it that way : diff={"name"=>"XPT", "fx"=>"1.13153"}
So far I have a TypeError (no implicit conversion of String into Integer) with the following:
def compare_values
diff = {}
a = [{"src"=>"reportStack"},
{"name"=>"XPT", "fx"=>"1.1315313597682419"},
{"name"=>"XAU", "fx"=>"27.0165670831070071"},
{"name"=>"XAG", "fx"=>"8.4192241535397429"}]
b = [{"src"=>"reportOverflow"},
{"name"=>"XPT", "fx"=>"1.13163"},
{"name"=>"XAU", "fx"=>"27.0165670831070071"},
{"name"=>"XAG", "fx"=>"8.4192"}]
b.each do |b_row|
a.each do |a_row|
b.each do |k,v|
diff = k if a_row['name'].value == e_row['name'].value && a_row['fx'].value.to_f != a_row['fx'].value.to_f
Could anyone please give a tip how to handle this pickle?
I would begin by simplifying the data structures for both reportStack (a) and reportOverflow (b) into hashes, where the key is name
, and the value is fx
. This will allow us to compare key-value pairs without having to iterate through an array and checking each value.
report_stack = a.inject(Hash.new) do |memo, report_stack_entry|
next memo unless report_stack_entry['name']
memo[report_stack_entry['name']] = report_stack_entry['fx']
# report_stack => {"XPT"=>"1.1315313597682419", "XAU"=>"27.0165670831070071", "XAG"=>"8.4192241535397429"}
report_overflow = b.inject(Hash.new) do |memo, report_overflow_entry|
next memo unless report_overflow_entry['name']
memo[report_overflow_entry['name']] = report_overflow_entry['fx']
# report_overflow => {"XPT"=>"1.13163", "XAU"=>"27.0165670831070071", "XAG"=>"8.4192"}
I would then .reject
over report_stack with a !nil?
, start_with?
, and ==
condition on the corresponding report_overflow key
diff = report_stack.reject do |name, fx|
overflow_fx = report_overflow[name]
!overflow_fx.nil? && (
fx == overflow_fx ||
diff #=> {"XPT"=>"1.1315313597682419"}
If any additional comparison logic is required, you should be able to easily update the condition in the .reject
block to do so.