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how to align rule on x axis with line chart data in vega-lite

I am getting this chart where rule is not correctly aligned on x axis. see image

group a has value 3.2 and it is not between 2 and 4 on x axis as supposed to. same for b group and c group.

I tried resolve, scale separately line chart and rule without success Result should be that rule for group a, group b and group c lie on axis x aligned the value they have.

Here is my code:

  "$schema": "",
   "width": 606,
  "data": {
    "values": [
        "datapoints": {
    "division": [
        "participation_duration": {
          "total": {
            "mean": 384,
            "a": 190,
            "b": 365,
            "c": 495,
            "distribution": {
              "min": 0,
              "max": 10,
              "step": 2,
              "data": [0,0.3,0.1,0.2,0.2, 0]
  "transform": [
    { "calculate": "datum.datapoints.division", "as": "D" },
    { "flatten": ["D"] },
    {"calculate": "", "as": "y"},
    {"flatten": ["y"]},
            "window": [{ "op": "count", "field": "y", "as": "i" }],
            "frame": [null, 0]
        { "calculate": "(datum.i-1)*2", "as": "x" }
  "layer": [
          "mark": {"type":"line",
          "point": false,
            "interpolate": "cardinal",
          "encoding": {
            "x": {
               "field": "x",
               "type": "quantitative",
               "title": "",
                "tickCount": 5,
                "grid": true
               "y": {
                "field": "y",
                "type": "quantitative",
                "title": "",
                "axis": {
                  "orient": "right",
            "tickCount": 3,
            "format": "%"
          "transform": [
            {"calculate": "", "as": "total"},
            {"calculate": "", "as": "a group"},
            {"calculate": "", "as": "b group"},
            {"calculate": "", "as": "c group"},
            {"fold": ["a group", "b group", "c group"]}
          "encoding": {
              "field": "value",
                "grid": false,
                "domain": false,
                "ticks": false,
                "labelPadding": 15
              "field": "key",
            "text": {"field":"key"}
          "layer": [
              "strokeWidth": 5,
              "mark":{"type": "text", "align": "center", "dy":-220}

Please advise which part is missing. 

Thank you


  • You mean like this? enter image description here

    You need to explicitly set the type.

      "$schema": "",
      "width": 606,
      "height": 384,
      "data": {
        "values": [
            "datapoints": {
              "division": [
                  "participation_duration": {
                    "total": {
                      "mean": 384,
                      "a": 190,
                      "b": 365,
                      "c": 495,
                      "distribution": {
                        "min": 0,
                        "max": 10,
                        "step": 2,
                        "data": [0, 0.3, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0]
      "transform": [
        {"calculate": "datum.datapoints.division", "as": "D"},
        {"flatten": ["D"]},
          "calculate": "",
          "as": "y"
        {"flatten": ["y"]},
        {"window": [{"op": "count", "field": "y", "as": "i"}], "frame": [null, 0]},
        {"calculate": "(datum.i-1)*2", "as": "x"}
      "layer": [
          "mark": {
            "type": "line",
            "point": false,
            "interpolate": "cardinal",
            "color": "blueviolet"
          "encoding": {
            "x": {
              "field": "x",
              "type": "quantitative",
              "title": "",
              "axis": {"tickCount": 5, "grid": true}
            "y": {
              "scale": {"domain": [0, 0.3]},
              "field": "y",
              "type": "quantitative",
              "title": "",
              "axis": {"orient": "right", "tickCount": 3, "format": "%"}
          "transform": [
            {"calculate": "", "as": "total"},
            {"calculate": "", "as": "a group"},
            {"calculate": "", "as": "b group"},
            {"calculate": "", "as": "c group"},
            {"fold": ["a group", "b group", "c group"]}
          "encoding": {
            "x": {
              "field": "value",
              "title": null,
              "type": "quantitative",
              "axis": {
                "format": ".2",
                "grid": false,
                "domain": false,
                "labels": true,
                "ticks": false,
                "labelAlign": "center",
                "labelAngle": 0,
                "labelPadding": 15
            "color": {"field": "key", "legend": null},
            "text": {"field": "key"}
          "layer": [
            {"mark": {"type": "rule", "strokeWidth": 5, "strokeDash": [3, 16]}},
            {"mark": {"type": "text", "align": "center", "dy": -220}}