I'm developing a software in which I need to be able to get the x and y coordinates of the mouse cursor when the user clicks on an image. I know you could do this in visual forms with pictureBoxes, but is it possible in Maui?
I'm actively looking for answers on the Internet. If I find an answer, I'll edit the post for people with the same problem.
That's what new features of .NET MAUI for .NET 7. For mouse cursor, now we could detect the click(tap) and hover over a control just as ToolmakerSteve suggested in the comment.
A simple example for you:
In the xaml:
SemanticProperties.Description="Cute dot net bot waving hi to you!"
HorizontalOptions="Center" >
<TapGestureRecognizer Tapped="TapGestureRecognizer_Tapped"/>
In the .cs file:
void TapGestureRecognizer_Tapped(System.Object sender, Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TappedEventArgs e)
// Position relative to the container view, that is the image, the origin point is at the top left of the image.
Point? relativeToContainerPosition = e.GetPosition((View)sender);
Besides, if you want to detect when the pointer enters, exits, and moves within a view, you could also use a PointerGestureRecognizer.
<Image Source="dotnet_bot.png">
<PointerGestureRecognizer PointerEntered="OnPointerEntered"
PointerMoved="OnPointerMoved" />
Also, you could get the gesture position when pointer move within the view using Get the gesture position.
void OnPointerExited(object sender, PointerEventArgs e)
// Position relative to the container view
Point? relativeToContainerPosition = e.GetPosition((View)sender);
For more info, you could refer to Recognize a tap gesture and Recognize a pointer gesture.
Hope it works for you.