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Detecting when FLVPlayback source is bad or not found

I'm totally at a loss as to how to detect if my instance of FLVPlayback component has been handed a source that either doesn't exist or it can't play for one reason or another.

I've attached handlers to every event I can think of... specifically...

        videoPlayer.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, vidEnd);
        videoPlayer.addEventListener(VideoEvent.READY, vidStart);
        videoPlayer.addEventListener(VideoEvent.PLAYHEAD_UPDATE, vidMoved);         
        videoPlayer.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, httpStatusHandler);           
        videoPlayer.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorHandler);

But none of those fire when the clip is missing or corrupted.

I also tried this:

                videoPlayer.source = "http://localhost:18888/" + folder + "/" + nextUrl;
                trace("http://localhost:18888/" + folder + "/" + nextUrl + " couldn't be found");

But that doesn't work either. I'm totally stumped. What's the correct way to do this?



  • If you can, don't use FLVPlayback, because it does too many "magic" things behind the scenes and is a bit buggy. It's basically just a wrapper around the VideoPlayer class.

    If you have to use FLVPlayback, you can access the VideoPlayer being wrapped with FLVPlayback.getVideoPlayer, then listen to VideoState.STATE_CHANGE and monitor VideoPlayer.state. If it's VideoState.CONNECTION_ERROR, it means your video feed cannot be loaded or played.