I am validating phone numbers and this is my conditions,
if (!empty($phone)) {
if (!filter_var($phone, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) || !filter_var($phone, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) === 0 || !is_numeric($phone) || !intval($phone)) {
// Error msg
// This segment working fine but
// Its throwing error msg when I am using a mobile number starting with a zero
// Like 01234567890
} else {
if (strlen($phone) > 16 || strlen($phone) < 8) {
// Error msg
} else {
// Valid msg
} else {
// Error msg
I want to through error msg if someone using 8 zeros or 16 zeros and I think its working but if someone using a valid phone number which is starting with a zero, then its throwing error msg as well.
How to pass number starting with a zero but mot all zeros?
Employ the same classic lookahead technique that is commonly used for validating passwords.
Ensure that the phone is between 8 and 16 digits and has at least one non-zero.
Code: (Demo)
echo preg_match('/^(?=0*[1-9])\d{8,16}$/', $phone) ? 'Pass' : 'Fail';
Do not cast phone numbers as integers or store them as integers in a database if they can possibly start with a zero in your project.
Without regex, use an assortment of string function calls for the same effect. Demo
echo ctype_digit(ltrim($phone, '0')) && $length >= 8 && $length <= 16 ? 'Pass' : 'Fail';