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Is there a way to mark a property as unchangeable on updates?

I really want to avoid accidental overwrites on a specific property. ValueGenerated.OnAdd is not useful in this regard because it still tries to set a value in the database (1), unfortunately. I want to essentially make this field read-only so that updates never attempt to overwrite the value that is there. It's an audit-based field that I only need returned upon creation and via select statements.

(1) From EF: (

EF may still attempt to save a specific value (rather than having one generated by the database)


  • Specify the Save Behavior as either "PropertySaveBehavior.Ignore" or "PropertySaveBehavior.Throw" in your modelbuilder depending on which behavior you want:

      .Property(e => e.YourProperty)

    This will allow an initial insert, but no updates to the field afterwards.
