I am looking for a way that my ProductResource Collection will only include products with active prices.
In my routes/api.php
am using a Collection as so:
Route::get('/product', function (Request $request) {
return new ProductCollection(
In the model App\Models\Product
there is a relationship for prices
public function prices () {
return $this->hasMany(ProductsPrice::class);
and in the App\Models\ProductsPrice
there is a scopeIsActive that I want to call before my collection is created.
public function scopeIsActive($query)
return $query->where('is_active', true);
Is there a way I can call this isActive scope without creating a Controller just to query the Products with a active price and put that in a ResourceCollection in the routes/api.php
, like so?
Route::get('/product', function (Request $request) {
return new ProductCollection(
You can do like this.
Route::get('/product', function (Request $request) {
return new ProductCollection(
Product::with(['prices' => function($query) {