Please correct me and help me. This is the code.
option 1
Dim availability As New List(Of String)
If dtpavailability.Value = Date.Today Then availability.Add("Can start to work anytime") Else availability.Add("Can start to work by " + dtpavailability.Value.Date)
Option 2
Dim availability As New List(Of String)
If dtpavailability.Value = Today Then availability.Add("Can start to work anytime") Else availability.Add("Can start to work by " + dtpavailability.Value.Date)
Option 3
Dim availability As New List(Of String)
If dtpavailability.Value = TimeOfDay Then availability.Add("Can start to work anytime") Else availability.Add("Can start to work by " + dtpavailability.Value.Date)
Textbox1.text = String.Join(vbNewLine, availability)
I tried these options but I still can't achieve what I want for my practice project. I want the textbox1 to show the "Can start to work anytime" if I don't change the date on the date time picker which has the date today on my computer system.
Please help me correct my code.
The DateTimePicker
includes the Time in the Value
To get only the date, you'll need: