According to this doc. We can use ethers.getContract
to get deployed contract.
I have deployed my contract at 0x33F4623337b8F9EDc9529a79F0d68B2BeC98d5E2
and my creator address is 0x6e0F5B57FEdc8911722c92dcD5D7D0cf69ceA385
now to get contract i am doing
deployedContract = await ethers.getContract(
But its throwing error
Error: No Contract deployed with name 0x33F4623337b8F9EDc9529a79F0d68B2BeC98d5E2
But you can see contract is deployed
Can someone help me here?
It's just simple.
You can use getContractAt
getContractAt: <T extends ethers.Contract>(
nameOrAbi: string | any[],
address: string,
signer?: ethers.Signer | string
) => Promise<T>;
So in your case, it could be:
const raffle = await ethers.getcontractAt(
In addition, you got the error since you used the contract address for the contract name.
getContract: <T extends ethers.Contract>(
name: string,
signer?: ethers.Signer | string
) => Promise<T>;