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How do I test a route slug component in sveltekit?

I have this page:


trying to render it in vitest gives me an error:


After a trial and error session I narrowed down the cause, it is because the component is a slug, the parameter doesn't get initialized in the tests.

import {page} from '$app/stores'

let param = $page.params;
let slug = param.slug

how can I initialize it in my test file?


  • Ok,for a work around I placed the entire contents of my +page.svelte to a new svelte component file and created an export variable for the slug value


    export let itemId;

    and in my slug page this is the only code remained: +page.svelte

    import {page} from '$app/stores'
    let param = $page.params;
    let slug = param.slug
    <item bind:slug={slug}></item>

    and just ran my tests on the separate component.