I'm trying to plot some asymmetric error bars using seaborn. I can't understand why I'm getting a ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (3,1) (2,3)
Here is my code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
truth = np.array([0.15725964, 0.15611989, 0.15820897])
hpd = np.array([[0.00310974, 0.01833195],
[0.00546891, 0.017973 ],
[0.00687474, 0.01628064]])
median = np.array([[0.15517015],[0.12985473],[0.12510344]])
with sns.plotting_context('notebook', font_scale=1.2):
fig, axmatrix = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(16,8))
for ax in axmatrix.flatten():
def plot_hpd_err(truth, hpd, median):
err = np.absolute(np.transpose(hpd - median@np.ones((1,2))))
return ax.errorbar(truth[:,np.newaxis], median, yerr=err)
plot_hpd_err(truth, hpd, median)
, median
, and err
are (3,1); (3,1); and (2,3) respectively.err
to be (2,N) shape because that's what the axes.errorbar
documentation tells me to dotruth[:, np.newaxis]
and hpd
to match err
's shape, it throws an error.Ultimately, I want three data points with their respective asymmetric errorbars, but I'm currently not able to get an ErrorbarContainer object without any errors (yes, the plots are currently blank...)
The size of truth
and hpd
must be (N,); it cannot be (N, 1).
Therefore, the code should read
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
truth = np.array([0.15725964, 0.15611989, 0.15820897])
hpd = np.array([[0.00310974, 0.01833195],
[0.00546891, 0.017973 ],
[0.00687474, 0.01628064]])
median = np.array([0.15517015, 0.12985473, 0.12510344])
with sns.plotting_context('notebook', font_scale=1.2):
fig, axmatrix = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(16,8))
for ax in axmatrix.flatten():
def plot_hpd_err(truth, hpd, median):
err = np.absolute(np.transpose(hpd - (median[:, np.newaxis])@np.ones((1,2))))
return ax.errorbar(truth, median, yerr=err)
plot_hpd_err(truth, hpd, median)
Thanks to this answer for helping me figure this out.