I am trying to create a pop up window in customtkinter with dynamically added checkboxes (this creates 80 checkboxes).
def open_secondary_window(self):
# Create secondary (or popup) window.
secondary_window = customtkinter.CTkToplevel()
secondary_window.title("Object Selection")
# Create a button to close (destroy) this window.
for i in range(len(class_names)):
c = customtkinter.CTkCheckBox(secondary_window, text=class_names[i])
button_close = customtkinter.CTkButton(
text="Close window",
button_close.place(x=75, y=75)`
What I was thinking of doing is to iterate trough the list of checkboxes and every 10 to go to a new column:
for i in range(len(class_names)):
c = customtkinter.CTkCheckBox(secondary_window, text=class_names[i])
c.grid(row=i, column=0)
the hard part is that I don't know how to iterate after every 10 columns to start from row 0 and column +1
Would anyone know a better solution on how to handle this
You can use python's divmod function to convert an integer into a row and column.
for i in range(80):
column, row = divmod(i, 10)
cb = ctk.CTkCheckBox(root, text=f"{i+1}")
cb.grid(row=row, column=column, sticky="nsew")