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Fetching object multiple levels in JSON array using JSON_QUERY in MariaDB do not work

I have the following table in a mariadb database

| model_id | model_name |model_json |

then on the field model_json I have the following json

"linkFromPortIdProperty":"fromPort","linkToPortIdProperty":"toPort","nodeDataArray": [
{"category":"Start","text":"Start","key":-1,"loc":"-869.6666259765625 171.66668701171875"},
{"category":"Step","text":"knock the door","key":-2,"loc":"-618.9999389648438 169.00001525878906"},
{"category":"Step","text":"open the door","key":-3,"loc":"-337.6666259765625 177"},
{"category":"Step","text":"kick the guy","key":-4,"loc":"93 189"},
{"category":"End","text":"End","key":-5,"loc":"117.0001220703125 638.3333740234375"},
{"category":"Conditional","text":"is the guy dead?","key":-6,"loc":"78.333251953125 321"},
{"category":"Step","text":"get the body","key":-7,"loc":"122.3333740234375 522.3333740234375"}
  "linkDataArray": [

doing the following query I got the result of the node 'nodeDataArray' which is ok

SELECT JSON_QUERY(model_json,'$.nodeDataArray') AS jsondata FROM pr_models WHERE  model_id = 2

now the problem comes when I want to extract the "category" from the node, like this:

SELECT JSON_QUERY(model_json,'$.nodeDataArray.category') AS jsondata  FROM pr_models WHERE  model_id = 2

result [NULL]

I did try JSON_VALUE thinking maybe the scalar but the result still the same

SELECT JSON_VALUE(model_json,'$.nodeDataArray.category') AS jsondata  FROM pr_models WHERE  model_id = 2

result [NULL]

the closest result I am getting is using this

SELECT JSON_VALUE(model_json,'$.nodeDataArray[0].category') AS jsondata  FROM pr_models WHERE  model_id = 2

result: jsondata Start, but it is just the first one. I need all of this

I did try my query using and it seems to be correct




but if I try the same in mariadb it wont work SELECT JSON_VALUE(model_json,'$.nodeDataArray..category') AS jsondata FROM pr_models WHERE model_id = 2 SELECT JSON_QUERY(model_json,'$.nodeDataArray..category') AS jsondata FROM pr_models WHERE model_id = 2 result NULL.


  • You want:

    JSON_EXTRACT(model_json,'$.nodeDataArray[*].category') AS jsondata
