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How to delete all releases and tags in a github repository

I tried the github cli:

gh release list | sed 's/|/ /' | awk '{print $1, $8}' | while read -r line; do gh release delete -y "$line"; done

as described here:

But it only works for releases where the name equals the tag. As soon as a name has spaces in it, awk fails to separate the columns properly.

maybe the gh cli output changed since the article was written or awk on macos has different defaults?


  • Adding -F '\t' helped awk to separate the columns correctly. This command deletes all gh releases:

    gh release list \
      | awk -F '\t' '{print $3}' \ 
      | while read -r line; do
      gh release delete -y "$line"

    You can also delete the tags with the following flag:

    --cleanup-tag   Delete the specified tag in addition to its release