I have been trying to loop through all the shapes in a Word document, find the shapes, ungroup them, then delete the ones with names "-like" "Straight Arrow Connector*," etc. However, I am doing something wrong and can't figure out what. It's ungrouping all of the shapes; however, it is not deleting every shape.
I tried the following for loop:
foreach($shape in $doc.Shapes){
if($shape.Name -like "Oval*" -or $shape.Name -like "Oval *"){
if($shape -ne $null) { #check if the shape exists before trying to delete it
elseif($shape.Name -like "Straight Arrow Connector*" -or $shape.Name -like "Straight Arrow Connector *"){
if($shape -ne $null) { #check if the shape exists before trying to delete it
elseif($shape.Name -like "Text Box *" or $shape.Name -like "Text Box*"){
if($shape -ne $null) { #check if the shape exists before trying to delete it
But like I said, it didn't delete every shape, even they had names like the ones I was searching for. Is there a better way?
I realized after posting that I should store the shapes in an array and use a while loop to delete everything inside the array. I did this and it worked:
$shapes2 = $doc.Shapes
$shapesOval = @()
foreach($shape in $shapes2)
if($shape.Name -like "Oval*" -or $shape.Name -like "Oval *"){
$shapesOval += $shape
while($shapesOval.Count -gt 0)