When trying to draw a dashed rectangle with ImageMagick using the following command:
convert -size 300x300 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black \
-draw "stroke-width 3 stroke-dasharray 10 10 rectangle 50,50 250,250" draw_rect.gif
I get the following image, clearly wrong (note the "z" shapes):
No matter what I try (it happens also with paths, with different line caps and joins, stroke widths, dash arrays, colors, transparent fill,...) I get these strange artifacts.
Version is ImageMagick 6.9.10-68 Q16 aarch64 2021-02-02
(ARM), but I tried also with an x86 server ImageMagick 6.9.10-68 Q16 x86_64 2021-02-03
and got the same result.
Is this an ImageMagick limitation? a bug? If so, I can't believe a library so mature could behave so weird.
Using IM, I get the following result with your following command.
convert -size 300x300 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black -draw "stroke-width 3 stroke-dasharray 10 10 rectangle 50,50 250,250" draw_rect.gif
Likely, your old version of Imagemagick had a bug. You should upgrade if you can.