I want to make a table like this:
I got the values from the apex in js and it looks like this:
@track data2 = [];
@track data = [];
testClick() {
getExchangeRates({baseCurrency : this.defaultCurrency, dateFrom : this.dateFrom, dateTo : this.dateTo, value : this.defaultValue})
.then(resultJSON => {
let result = JSON.parse(resultJSON);
let recordsByDates = result.rates;
for (var key in recordsByDates) {
let record = {
date : key,
USD : recordsByDates[key].USD,
CAD : recordsByDates[key].CAD,
EUR : recordsByDates[key].EUR,
GBP : recordsByDates[key].GBP
this.data2 = JSON.stringify(this.data);
.catch(error => {
this.error = error;
I tried to make a table, but something did not work out for me:
<template for:each={data2} for:item="dat">
<tr key={dat} onclick={testClick}>
<td data-label="data2">
<td data-label="data2">
please tell me how to fix this
there are a couple of issues in the code:
Here is the updated code
for (var key in recordsByDates) {
let record = {
key: key, // index of object can be used
date : recordsByDates[key].date,
USD : recordsByDates[key].USD,
CAD : recordsByDates[key].CAD,
EUR : recordsByDates[key].EUR,
GBP : recordsByDates[key].GBP
in HTML file, it should be something like:
<template for:each={data} for:item="dat">
<div key={dat.key} onclick={testClick}>
<div class="date-wrap">
Date: {dat.date}
<div class="value-wrap">
USD: {dat.USD}
<div class="value-wrap">
CAD: {dat.CAD}
<div class="value-wrap">
EUR: {dat.EUR}
<div class="value-wrap">
GBP: {dat.GBP}
Moreover, you can create a nested array of objects inside the data variable which can help to make the structure more generic.