I am trying to deploy an online endpoint where i fetch a pre-trained model, as well as a data asset containing embeddings. The reason is that i want to compare the endpoint input to the data asset and return the 5 most similar embeddings. However, when i import ML client like this from azure.ai.ml import MLClient
i get the error cannot import name TokenCredential from azure.core.credentials
Am i missing a dependency, or is this not intended to work in online endpoints?
Here is the endpoint.yml file
name: model-env
- conda-forge
- python=3.8
- numpy=1.21.2
- pip=22.3.1
- scipy=1.7.1
- pandas>=1.1,<1.2
- pip:
- inference-schema[numpy-support]==1.3.0
- applicationinsights==0.11.10
- sentence-transformers ==2.2.2
- pytorch-lightning == 1.7.6
- azure-ai-ml
- azure-identity
- azureml-defaults==1.38.0
Issue was solved. Turned out to be an issue with the azure-packages, and is expected to be fixed soon. In the meantime you can work around this by creating your own dockerfile rather than env.yaml, and force the azure-core, azure-idendity and azurem-ai-ml packages to the latest versions. More info on how to do that here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/machine-learning/how-to-manage-environments-v2?tabs=cli#create-an-environment-from-a-docker-build-context