I am writing a telegram bot using a calendar.
There is such a construction:
def create_callback_data_time(action, time):
""" Create the callback data associated to each button"""
return ";".join([action, str(time)])
def create_time():
markup_time = {"inline_keyboard": []}
row = []
for time in ["10:00", "11:00", "12:00", "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00"]:
row.append({"text": time, "callback_data": create_callback_data_time("TIME", time)})
return json.dumps(markup_time)
When calling the create_time() function, the bot adds data from the list to the InlineKeyboard with binding to callback_data. However, the buttons in the InlineKeyboard are added horizontally
And I need it vertically, that is, every hour from a new line!
Please give me some tips! I'm just learning, and this is the first full-fledged project
I took the calendar for the bot from here: https://github.com/grcanosa/telegram-calendar-keyboard
Thank you all in advance for your help!
I tried to use the Keybo library but without success
from keyboa import Keyboa
getting_list_of_services = core.check_service()
list_services = []
for key, values in enumerate(getting_list_of_services):
keyboard = Keyboa( items=list_services, front_marker="SER", back_marker="VICE").items
return keyboard
A row inside an inline_keyboard
is defined by a nested array.
So instead off appending to row
, append to inline_keyboard
self so that each time get it's own array inside inline_keyboard
def create_time():
markup_time = {"inline_keyboard": []}
for time in ["10:00", "11:00", "12:00", "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00"]:
markup_time["inline_keyboard"].append([ {"text": time, "callback_data": create_callback_data_time("TIME", time)} ])
return json.dumps(markup_time)