I really don't understand what causes the problem, could someone point it out for me please?
with shelve.open(obj_path) as obj:
for as_num in obj['as_number_list']: # ignore warning, obj['as_number_list'] is a list
temp = charge_as(obj['as_' + str(as_num)]) # temp is an object
as_test = temp # doing like this is ok
exec("as_{}_obj = {}".format(as_num, temp)) # **error here**
And it gives syntax error like this:
<class 'instruments.AS'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "...", line 45, in <module>
exec("as_{}_obj = {}".format(as_num, temp))
File "<string>", line 1
as_1_obj = <instruments.AS object at 0x000002A86732E290>
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I tried
exec("as_{}_obj = {}".format(as_num, temp.__dict__))
no error is shown but now as_{}_obj is of class 'dict' instead of class 'instruments.AS'
line 45: exec("as_{}_obj = temp".format(as_num))