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CS50 week 4 Filter-less Blur Function

I spent several day trying to figure out what's wrong with this function. It actually compile fine but it blurs the image in the wrong way. I believe maybe my numbers or formulas are wrong but after checking it again and again for several hours I cannot figure out what s wrong.

The exercise wants you to blur an image using a 3*3 blur box so adding up the RGB values of the blur box and dividing them by the valid blur box pixels (the ones in side the image boundaries).Then assigning the 'blurred' values to the image.

In my blurred image the blur does not allow to distinguish any figure in the picture. I checked other blur function answers and tried to make and re-make the code from scratch with different variations but nothing seems to work. The code below it seems to me it s the closer to the right solution. Any help would be very much appreciate. Sorry for any mistake in my english

// Blur image
void blur(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width])
{    // create image copy for holding modifies RGB values
     RGBTRIPLE copy[height][width];
     for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
              copy[i][j] = image[i][j];
     // setting variable for holding sum of blur box RGB values
     float blurred = 0.0;
     float blurgreen = 0.0;
     float blurblue = 0.0;
     // setting counter for valid blur box pixels
     float validpixels = 0.0;
     // looping through image rows
     for( int i = 0; i < height; i++)
     {   // looping through image columns
         for(int j = 0; j < width; j++)
         {   // looping through blur box rows
             for(int r = -1; r < 2; r++)
             {   //looping through blur box columns
                 for(int c = -1; c < 2; c++)
                 {   // counting only valid blur-box pixels(inside image boundaries)
                     if(i + c >= 0 && j + r >= 0 && i + c < height && j + r < width)
                     {  // storing total of blur box RGB values
                        blurred += copy[i + c][j + r].rgbtRed;
                        blurgreen += copy[i + c][j + r].rgbtGreen;
                        blurblue += copy[i + c][j + r].rgbtBlue;
                        // counting valid pixels total
                        validpixels ++;
               // calculate RGB  blurred values and assigning them to image copy
               copy[i][j].rgbtRed = round(blurred / validpixels);
               copy[i][j].rgbtGreen = round(blurgreen / validpixels);
               copy[i][j].rgbtBlue = round(blurblue / validpixels);
     //giving blur values back to image
     for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
              image[i][j].rgbtRed = copy[i][j].rgbtRed;
              image[i][j].rgbtGreen = copy[i][j].rgbtGreen;
              image[i][j].rgbtBlue = copy[i][j].rgbtBlue;


  • You have 2 main issues:

    • You must re-initialize your blur* variables and also the counter for each pixel. Otherwise you keep summing up more and more pixels. That will basically create an average of the whole image when you get to the end.
    • You are storing blurred values in the same array where you read the values to blur. That spills the whole purpose of making a copy at all.

    Not an issue but could be improved:

    • Do not use float in your programs. Unless you have some very strict limitations in memory or computing power, you should always use double for floating point numbers.
    • Counters are best defined as integers, not floating point numbers.
    • Pointed out by Chux: As your destination is an integer value, you could replace round by lround. Or use integer arithmetics all the way as shown in Chux's answer.

    The fixes are marked in the code using //####

    // Blur image
    void blur(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width])
    {    // create image copy for holding modifies RGB values
         RGBTRIPLE copy[height][width];
         for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)
             for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
                  copy[i][j] = image[i][j];
         // looping through image rows
         for( int i = 0; i < height; i++)
         {   // looping through image columns
             for(int j = 0; j < width; j++)
             {   // looping through blur box rows
                 // setting variable for holding sum of blur box RGB values
                 //#### Initialize your blurring variables for each pixel you are visiting.
                 //#### Always use double instead of float except you have specific requirements.
                 double blurred = 0.0;
                 double blurgreen = 0.0;
                 double blurblue = 0.0;
                 // setting counter for valid blur box pixels
                 //#### Also re-initialize counter for each pixel
                 //#### Counters are normally integers, no floating point numbers
                 size_t validpixels = 0;
                 for(int r = -1; r < 2; r++)
                 {   //looping through blur box columns
                     for(int c = -1; c < 2; c++)
                     {   // counting only valid blur-box pixels(inside image boundaries)
                         if(i + c >= 0 && j + r >= 0 && i + c < height && j + r < width)
                         {  // storing total of blur box RGB values
                            blurred += copy[i + c][j + r].rgbtRed;
                            blurgreen += copy[i + c][j + r].rgbtGreen;
                            blurblue += copy[i + c][j + r].rgbtBlue;
                            // counting valid pixels total
                            validpixels ++;
                   // calculate RGB  blurred values and assigning them to image copy
                   //#### No! Don't store in the copy again. This will disturb
                   //#### calculation of the other pixels. 
                   image[i][j].rgbtRed = lround(blurred / validpixels);
                   image[i][j].rgbtGreen = lround(blurgreen / validpixels);
                   image[i][j].rgbtBlue = lround(blurblue / validpixels);
         //giving blur values back to image
         //#### No! Copying again is not required. Results were stored there already