I am trying to run a set of queries from Cloud Shell using powershell that require and Azure AD user. I generally use invoke-sqlcmd
using the server admin and password but the specific query I want to run require an AD user. I would like to run the query as myself. I have found that I can use the ConnectionString
parameter to do this, but my problem is I do not have a password as I login to Azure via SSO. I basically want to mimic the process of going to my DB in Azure, going to query editor, using AAD authentication and running a query, but with powershell. Is there a way I can do this? Example of what I am trying to do below:
$serverName = 'server'
$dbName = 'database'
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $ServerName -Database $dbName -Query $query
When I attempt this I get:
Invoke-Sqlcmd: Cannot authenticate using Kerberos. Ensure Kerberos has been initialized on the client with 'kinit' and a Service Principal Name has been registered for the SQL Server to allow Kerberos authentication.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the results like below:
As SSO is enabled and you do not have a password, you can try generating access token to perform the action.
I used the below script to add the user in Azure Database:
$connectionString = "Server=testrukserver.database.windows.net;Initial Catalog=testdb;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30"
$accessToken = (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl https://database.windows.net).Token
$sqlConn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$sqlConn.ConnectionString = $connectionString
$sqlConn.AccessToken = $accessToken
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance testrukserver.database.windows.net -Database testdb -AccessToken $accessToken -query 'CREATE USER [[email protected]] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER'
The user is added sccessfully in the Azure Database like below:
Connecting to Azure SQL Database with AAD Authentication using Powershell by alex stuart