joining_date date,
employee_type character varying,
name character varying ,
typeid integer
insert into employee VALUES
('2021-08-12','as','hjasghg', 1),
('2021-08-13', 'Rs', 'sa', 1),
('2021-08-14','asktyuk','hjasg', 1),
('2021-09-12','as','hjasghg', 1),
('2021-09-13', 'Rs', 'sa', 1),
('2021-09-14','asktyuk','hjasg', 1),
('2022-08-02','as','hjasghg', 2),
('2022-08-03','as','hjasghg', 2),
('2022-08-04', 'Rs', 'sa', 2),
('2022-08-05','asktyuk','hjasg', 2);
I want to obtain the columns containing reading of first data of each month for different typeid.
I have tried applying partition but I can't seem to extract the correct data.
with cte_a as
(select row_number() over (partition by typeid order by joining_date asc) sno, * from employee)
select * from cte_a where sno = 1;
I expected results from date '2021-09-12'
, but I only got '2022-08-02'
in final result.
You could use DISTINCT ON
in combination with date_part()
SELECT DISTINCT ON (typeid, date_part('month', joining_date))
FROM employee
ORDER BY typeid, date_part('month', joining_date)
date_part('month', ...)
"normalizes" the date to the first of a month (or cut the day part, if you like)DISTINCT ON
returns the first of all ordered groups, in that case the group of typeid
and your normalized date