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Listview show data issue

I have created a "Listview" and a "Gridview" to show some data, and everything looks fine, but whenever I add data to the "Listviews ItemsSource", it doesn't show it, the only thing I can see are marked lines (see below).

The XAML code for the build up is as follows:

<ListView Name="lstView">
                <GridView AllowsColumnReorder="True" ColumnHeaderToolTip="Info">
                    <GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=Item}" Header="Item" Width="100"/>
                    <GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=Qty}"  Width="100">
                                    <MenuItem Header="Ascending" />
                                    <MenuItem Header="Descending" />
                    <GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=Price}" 
                  Header="Price" Width="100"/>

CS part:(forgot to add this part, the class used to store the data)

Class used:

public class MaterialsPicked
    public string Item;
    public double Qty;
    public double Price;

And the data inserted:

ObservableCollection<MaterialsPicked> materialsPicked = new ObservableCollection<MaterialsPicked>
            new MaterialsPicked { Item = "Test", Qty = 1, Price = 200 },
            new MaterialsPicked { Item = "Test2", Qty = 2, Price = 400 }
        lstView.ItemsSource = materialsPicked;

And here is a picture of window, clearly it does add 2 lines to the listview, but the data itself is not showing up, and I am unsure what exactly I am missing.

ListView - GridView - ItemsSource


  • @Clemens

    Had the simple solution.

    I was using fields instead of properties, changing it to public properties fixed the issue.