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How can i use a complete endpoint URL to make a retrofit call, instead of using base/relative URLs?

I have to make a post request using retrofit, but the URL for this request comes from another request (GET), and the URL comes as a complete endpoint (i.e:

How can i make a retrofit request directly to this endpoint?

How im creating the retrofit instance:

fun getUploadApi(uploadUrl: String): B2UploadApi {
        return Retrofit.Builder()
  • this throws an exception since the url doesnt end with '/'

And the POST request:

    suspend fun uploadFile(
        @Header("Authorization") authToken: String,
        @Header("X-Bz-File-Name") fileName: String,
        @Header("Content-Length") fileSize: Int,
        @Header("Content-Type") mimeType: String,
        @Header("X-Bz-Content-Sha1") sha1: String,
        @Body byteArray: ByteArray
    ): Response<UploadResponse>


  • As mentioned in documentation , @url will override base url which you have mentioned at time of retrofit object creation

    So you just need to use @url annotation along with method in retrofit service

    documentation -

    example -