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how to force openai to save the context of the whole chat?

How do you maintain historical context in repeat API calls?

i was searching that question but has found 0 answers

so i found this demo chat: and its source code:

it can save context of conversation for real, but can anyboy tell me how?


  • the only one solution is the send to api all conversation history that must be under 3500 symbols, cuz u need around 500 points to make answer as example in json format:

    {"messages":["user:hello","bot:Hello there!","user:whats your name","bot:My name is Bot. What's yours?","user:now spell your name backwards pls","bot:tob","user:and now capitalise letters","bot:TOB"]}

    but in the end you must add "bot:" to suggest AI that he must answer by his role now. example works very well