I'm using knockout (awesome library), but I've run into a problem with templates: the DOM only changes for some of my observable objects, but not others. The behavior is kind of weird -- it's left me wondering what triggers a DOM update for a templated object in knockout.
Details: I'm building a simple survey editor. My model is an observableArray of questions, which is rendered through a jquery tmpl template. Users can edit the survey model using inputs that are bound on the page.
Here's (a stripped-down version of) the model:
var surveyModel = {
questions: ko.observableArray([
{header_text:ko.observable("What is the first answer?"), answer_array:ko.observableArray(["Yes","Maybe","No"])},
{header_text:ko.observable("What is the second answer?"), answer_array:ko.observableArray(["Yes","No"])}
The template itself:
<div class="questionBox">
<div class="headerText">{{html header_text}}</div>
{{each(i,v) answer_array}}
<div class="answerText"><input type="radio" value="${i+1}">{{html v}}</input></div>
The template binding:
<div id="codebookMain"
data-bind="template: {name:'questionTemplate',
A binding for header_text:
<textarea data-bind="value: questions()[2].header_text"></textarea>
Bindings and update function for answer_array:
<textarea data-bind="event: {change: function(event){codebookModel.updateAnswerArray('2',event);}}" >
With this code:
updateAnswerArray: function( i, event ){
T = event.target;
this.questions()[i].answer_array = ko.observableArray(event.target.value.split('\n'));
Everything works great until I try to update an answer_array. I'm certain the changes are being made in the model, but they aren't getting pushed to the DOM.
The weird thing about this is that changing the html-only header_text variable works perfectly. It's only the answer_array part of the template that doesn't update.
Any ideas on why this is happening, and how to fix it?
You are setting answer_array
equal to a new observableArray that is not bound to anything. To set the value of an observableArray equal to a new array, you want to do:
In your case that would be: