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Using Scipy's LowLevelCallable and numba cfunc to optimise a time based ode that takes multiple arrays as input

I want to optimise the solving of a system of time based ODE's by combining Numba's cfunc and scipy's LowLevelCallable functionality to greatly speed up odeint(). However, i am having trouble finding out what the exact syntax is for the correct solution.

My (non-optimised) code that works looks something like this:

import numpy as np
import numba as nb
from numba import types
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import scipy.integrate as si

# hours in the simulation
T_sim = 72 
# simulate fluctuating outside temp for 3 days
T_out = np.sin(np.linspace(0, T_sim, T_sim)/3.8) * 8 + 18 
# heat capacity of the air and floor
cap_air, cap_flr = 1, 10

def func(T, t):
    T_air, T_flr= T[0], T[1]
    t_ = int(t)
    H_airOut = 4 * U_vent[t_] * (T_air - T_out[t_])
    H_blowAir = U_blow[t_]
    H_airFlr = (T_air - T_flr)
    dT_air = ((H_blowAir 
               - H_airOut
               - H_airFlr) / cap_air)
    dT_flr = H_airFlr / cap_flr
    return dT_air, dT_flr

T0 = [16, 18] # starting temperature for T_air and T_flr
t_eval = np.linspace(0, T_sim-1, T_sim-1)
U_blow = np.full(T_sim, 0.1) # control for the heating
U_vent = np.full(T_sim, 0.3) # control for the ventilation
result = si.odeint(func,T0,t_eval)

# this piece of code is a standin for the real code, where func() is run 
# tens of thousands of times. All variables are constant, except for the 
# two arrays U_blow and U_vent
for _ in range(10):
    U_blow = np.random.rand(T_sim)
    U_vent = np.random.rand(T_sim)
    result = si.odeint(func,T0,t_eval)

plt.plot(result[:, 0], label='T_air')
plt.plot(result[:, 1], label='T_flr')
plt.plot(T_out[:-1], label='T_out')

Based on other SO posts, im pretty sure that the solution should look something the code below, but i cant get it to work myself. The problem would have been much easier if there were only some variables changing between runs, but this is not the case, as I need to be able to vary the arrays U_blow & U_vent between runs.

import scipy as sp
from numba.types import float64, CPointer, intc

def jit_integrand_function(integrand_function):
    jitted_function = nb.jit(integrand_function, nopython=True)

    @nb.cfunc(float64(intc, CPointer(float64)))
    def wrapped(n, xx):
        return jitted_function(xx[0], xx[1])
    return sp.LowLevelCallable(wrapped.ctypes)

def func(T, t):
    T_air, T_flr= T[0], T[1]
    t_ = int(t)
    H_airOut = 4 * U_vent[t_] * (T_air - T_out[t_])
    H_blowAir = U_blow[t_]
    H_airFlr = (T_air - T_flr)
    dT_air = ((H_blowAir 
               - H_airOut
               - H_airFlr) / cap_air)
    dT_flr = H_airFlr / cap_flr
    return dT_air, dT_flr

T0 = [16, 18] # starting temperature for T_air and T_flr
t_eval = np.linspace(0, T_sim-1, T_sim-1)

for _ in range(10):
    U_blow = np.random.rand(T_sim)
    U_vent = np.random.rand(T_sim)
    result = si.odeint(func,T0,t_eval, (U_blow, U_vent))

plt.plot(result[:, 0], label='T_air')
plt.plot(result[:, 1], label='T_flr')
plt.plot(T_out[:-1], label='T_out')

As a sidenote, my full model is not numerically stable enough for the euler forward integration method to work, so that is not option.


  • My attempt at an answer is as follows, working of this complete example:

    import scipy as sp
    import scipy.integrate as si
    import numpy as np
    # hours in the simulation
    T_sim = 72
    # simulate fluctuating outside temp for 3 days
    T_out = np.sin(np.linspace(0, T_sim, T_sim) / 3.8) * 8 + 18
    # heat capacity of the air and floor
    cap_air, cap_flr = 1, 10
    U_blow = np.random.rand(T_sim)
    U_vent = np.random.rand(T_sim)
    def example_rhs(T, t, U_blow, U_vent):
        T_air, T_flr = T[0], T[1]
        t_ = int(t)
        H_airOut = 4 * U_vent[t_] * (T_air - T_out[t_])
        H_blowAir = U_blow[t_]
        H_airFlr = (T_air - T_flr)
        dT_air = ((H_blowAir - H_airOut - H_airFlr) / cap_air)
        dT_flr = H_airFlr / cap_flr
        return dT_air, dT_flr
    # starting temperature for T_air and T_flr
    T0 = [16, 18]
    t_eval = np.linspace(0,
                         T_sim - 1,
                         T_sim - 1)
    # Repeat the integration a couple of times to increase accuracy
    for i in range(100):
        si.odeint(example_rhs, T0, t_eval, args=(U_blow, U_vent))

    To analyze the performance of any python code, I would start by using cProfile via python -mcProfile -s cumtime

    This gives me the following (abridged):

       ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
          100    0.001    0.000    2.021    0.020
          100    0.843    0.008    2.017    0.020 {built-in method scipy.integrate._odepack.odeint}
       973000    1.174    0.000    1.174    0.000

    As we see, the code spends ~2 seconds in the odeint function, which is a built-in function, which calls a Fortran code to do the solving. With this time, the python-based rhs is called 973000 times, i.e., 9730 per integration, though this may vary for different inputs. However, only about half ~1.174 seconds are spent within the right hand side. So, even if your callback would be so optimized that its running time would be zero, you would still need ~0.8 seconds for the entire operation. Since this time is spent in a Fortran code, I don't think that there is a way to speed up that part. So, I don't think an order of magnitude is possible, at least with respect to this particular instance (but maybe you original instance behaves differently?).

    It is a shame that LowLevelCallables are apparently not supported for ODE integration in scipy, it seems like that would be an obvious addition (though maybe there is something preventing that?!)

    Edit: As per Jérôme Richards comments: The suite is indeed old, so maybe another library will help. You could try sundials, which is a pretty state-of-the-art ODE / DAE solver (about the best that I know), which also has a python interface. If your ODE is stiff, you probably want to use a BDF solver, in which case you should provide the Jacobian of your right-hand side as well, provided that your model is sufficiently smooth (see the comments).