I have an api that some times have query parameter and sometime not. I want to add a query parameter to to the request path and can i do it with message mediation.
If there aren't query parameter, the parameter need to be added with "url?parameter=1" and if there is query parameter, parameter need to be added with "url?oldparameter=1¶meter=1".
I am trying with this example but this is for ei and I want for apimanager 260.
I checked the question but this does add "?" directly and I need to check whether query param is there and add "?" or "&".
If you are using APIM 4.1.0, we have a policy specifically created for this functionality (The policy Add Query Param
). Let me share the policy logic in here and you can use it with mediation policy with APIM 2.6.0.
<property name="rest_postfix" expression="get-property('axis2', 'REST_URL_POSTFIX')"/>
<filter regex=".*\?.*" source="get-property('rest_postfix')">
<!-- if there are query params already defined -->
<property name="REST_URL_POSTFIX" expression="fn:concat(get-property('rest_postfix'), '&{{paramKey}}={{paramValue}}')" scope="axis2" type="STRING"/>
<!-- if there are no query params defined -->
<property name="REST_URL_POSTFIX" expression="fn:concat(get-property('rest_postfix'), '?{{paramKey}}={{paramValue}}')" scope="axis2" type="STRING"/>
You just need to replace the param key and param value with the required static content.