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Using times() ends in ResponseException "The repeat()-traversal was not defined"


Im using Tinkerpop 3.6.1 in Java. I get an timeout exception if between startVertex and targetVertex is no connection. To prevent this, according to I limited the repeat loop with .times(4) between .until() and .path().


But then it throws following exception:

org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.exception.ResponseException: The repeat()-traversal was not defined: RepeatStep(until([HasStep([~id.eq(327684264)])]),null,emit(false))

I also tried .loops().is(4) and placing both between .repeat() and .until() but that didn't change anything.

What else can I do?


  • Two things to be aware of:

    1. If the graph contains cycles you should use simplePath to avoid running "forever".
    2. You never use until and times together, but you can use loops. I have pasted an example of all this put together below. Note the second has step I added. This is to handle the case where loops is 4, but you did not find the desired target.