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POWERSHELL - Output A Section of the Container/OU of AD-User Account's DistinguishedName

I was voluntold to learn powershell about a week ago, and learned a lot from here. I was unable to find a method that worked for me so now I am posting my first question.

I am looking to output under the OU column, not the full DistinguishedName, but a piece of it only.

How would I assign specific part of the DistinguishedName to the OU? Instead of "CN=,OU=,DC=*", I would only want "(Name of OU) under (Name of Parent OU)"


$ADExtProps =

Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $TestOU -Properties $ADExtProps 
Format-Table $ADExtProps -AutoSize -Wrap


Enabled SamAccountName OU
------- -------------- --
   True testuser04     {}
   True testuser05     {}
   True testuser01     {}
   True testuser02     {}
   True testuser03     {}
   True testuser06     {}
   True testuser07     {}
   True testuser08     {}
   True testuser09     {}
  False testuser10     {}

Thank you!

How would I assign specific part of the DistinguishedName to the OU? Instead of "CN=,OU=,DC=*", I would only want "(Name of OU) under (Name of Parent OU)"


  • It could be done with regex extracting the OU name from the user's DistinguishedName however for the sake of not overcomplicating it, you can first query all OUs using Get-ADOrganizationalUnit then those objects already have the OU .Name which you can use to construct your output:

    Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter * | ForEach-Object {
        $ouName = $_.Name
        Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $_.DistinguishedName -SearchScope OneLevel |
            Select-Object Enabled, SamAccountName, @{N='OU'; E={ $ouName }}

    If you want to extract the OU common name using the following should work:

    $TestOU = 'OU=someOU,DC=someDomain,DC=com'
    $re = [regex] '(?<=OU=).+?(?<!\\)(?=,)'
    Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $TestOU |
        Select-Object Enabled, SamAccountName, @{N='OU'; E={ $re.Match($_.DistinguishedName).Value }}