I am getting many 404 and 500 errors on my Drupal site, it is not very complex yet I am using Dreamhost and they are limiting my memory usage I think it is under 158MB, how do I find out what my memory limit is? I do not have access to php.ini. How do I optimize my database for performance or find the greatest memory hogs?
this is the error it is giving me
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 94371840 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 71 bytes) in /home/xxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/includes/database.mysql.inc
on line 108 before i deleted a number of mmodules "tried to allocate xxxx bytes was much larger
Perhaps you could post some information on what specifically module wise you are running? Or what kind of operations your using?
You also should try taking a look at this measurement of module memory usage
There are dozens of memory converters online if you need to convert to bytes/kilobytles to megabytes, but here is a link to one if your lazy :)