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How to set environment variables in vscode for debugging?

I have a fairly large python/c++ program that runs as follow:

  1. . -option A -option B
  2. python

The script modifies the PYTHONPATH and does all sort of export in order to point to the right c++ program. When running these two commands in the terminal, that works just well, however, using the debugger breaks it all.

I try running ". -option A -option B" in preLaunchTask but it seems the debugger can't see the new PYTHONPATH.

How can I make the debugger run the the set_env and consider the new PYTHONPATH ?


  • Inspired by my current area of work - which involved Python.

    This is what I do for Flask.

    enter image description here

    MS Link

    For any regular Python debugging

    enter image description here


    import os
    for key in os.environ.keys():

    After doing a F5 in VS Code with a file containing the above snippet: enter image description here

    Update on Feb 18

    After receiving a comment I think the OP wants to run a script before debugging the Fask application. The steps that worked for me are below.


    I ended up with the following files:

    • Add a PowerShell file dosomething.ps1 (my custom script which I intend to launch before every debug session)
    • Add a task.json (launch dosomething.ps1)
    • Edit the existing launch.json by linking it with the task in task.json enter image description here

    The file dosomething.ps1

    Write-Host "Inside do something"
    Write-Host "The value of the environment variable TEMP is $env:TEMPcls"
    Write-Host "The current path of the script is $PSScriptroot"

    The file tasks.json

        "version": "2.0.0",
        "tasks": [
                "label": "my script task",
                "type": "shell",
                "windows": {
                    "command": "pwsh -f dosomething.ps1"
                "problemMatcher": []

    Linking the launch.json with task.json

    enter image description here

    After pressing F5

    enter image description here