I have a form submit event on my page and added a gtag event after clicking the submit button. I tested it using the Google tag assistance and I can see that my event is firing since it is listed here - https://prnt.sc/zDDH6DRgVawa.
However, when I visit the real-time data on the Analytics, no events are listed here - https://prnt.sc/G6uswPi5tmo0. I tried refreshing and waiting for the GA events dashboard but no data is being fetched.
Here's the snipper where I put my script.
if(refUrl !== '' && currentUrl != refUrl) {
let previousCampaign = break_address(refUrl);
if(previousCampaign == 'campaign/monthly') {
console.log('conversion monthly triggered!')
gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx', 'value': 800.0, 'currency': 'PHP' });
if(previousCampaign == 'campaign/onetime') {
console.log('conversion onetime triggered!')
gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx', 'value': 800.0, 'currency': 'PHP' });
console.log('CONVERSION FIRED!')
} else {
console.log('CONVERSION NOT FIRED!')
I hope you can give me some help on this. :)
From your code. We can see you use the gtag
But your send_to
parameter is having a AW-xxx which is a Google Ads destination.
So there will be no data in your Google Analytics.
You can use gtag.config
to register a GA Property or DataStream and copy your conversion event again to the GA Property
gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'UA-XXXXXXX', 'value': 800.0, 'currency': 'PHP' });