I'm having problems: I create a new repository in Subclipse that points to a URL. When I check out the code and it creates a Flex Builder project, I am getting errors that relate to issues with the .actionscriptProperties and .flexProperties files.
So, I was told to just create a new FB project and point the src folder to where SVN is on my machine.
I'm new at this. But I'm guessing that until I do something like import my repository....it's nowhere on my machine. But when I imported it, it appeared to try and take every existing FB project I had and add it to SVN. That's not what I want.
How do I do this right? What am I missing?
Thanks for any helpful tips!
If it complains about anything, let me know what the error is. You may have a different default, for instance, if the project was configured using "default SDK" and the project creator's default SDK was different than your default SDK you'd get errors.